There are several options for people with disabilities who want to live independently. Many different types of housing can be considered independent living, including group homes and supported independent living facilities. This article covers everything you should know about the same.
What Is Independent Living With Support?
Supported independent living is a housing option for people with disabilities. It’s a type of housing that offers support services, but it’s not just for people with disabilities or those who live in group homes. In fact, there is an entire community of people with and without disabilities who choose to live independently in the community—and they all have their own reasons for doing so.
Difference Between Supported Independent Living And Group Homes
Unlike group homes, independent living programs are typically not for people with mental disabilities. They’re for people who have physical disabilities and need some help to live independently in their own homes. Unlike group homes, independent living is less restrictive and structured than traditional residential ones. In a supported living program, clients have more freedom and can come and go as they please.
Benefits Of Supported Independent Living
- Independence: You’re free to live on your terms and decide where you want to live, what kind of roommate you want, and how much support and guidance you want from the provider.
- Choice of roommates: Choose who will live with you in the same house. You can even choose a family member or friend if that makes sense for your situation! This way, everyone can maintain their independence while enjoying the companionship of living together.
- Support and guidance: Providers provide support services so residents can achieve personal goals they may have chosen while also maintaining a safe environment. For example, providers may help residents learn how to budget money or manage their medications properly to stay healthy while still having fun! It’s important because it helps people get out there and ensures quality control, so providers don’t have any reason (other than cost) not to deliver these services consistently throughout their business model.
How To Choose An Independent Living Facility?
- Look for a licensed and accredited facility: Licensed facilities have been evaluated by state or county authorities to ensure they meet the necessary standards of quality care. An independent organization has evaluated accredited facilities to ensure they meet national standards for quality services.
- Ask questions about the staff and their experience: You may want to ask how many years the staff has been working at the facility, if they are required to take continuing education courses to maintain their licenses, how many residents they serve on average each year and what kind of training they receive to support residents with disabilities or injuries.
- Ask about policies and procedures to prevent abuse: Facilities should have policies that protect residents from physical abuse and other forms of abuse (sexual assault, overuse/misuse of drugs). If you suspect someone is abusing one of your loved ones while living at a different facility, contact law enforcement immediately so they can investigate further.
Ask about the availability of services: The best way for you as an advocate or family member is usually to go through their insurance company first before contacting any support groups like yours because they don’t provide any direct funding but rather act only as advocates within your communities for those who don’t have access.